
On this construct, the Hadamard transform relates the computational basis to the X-basis. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this construct, which describes the possible superposition states of a two-level system. Antipodal points on this construct correspond to orthogonal state vectors.
ANSWER: Bloch sphere
[10e] The Bloch sphere is used to represent these things, which generalize a classical unit of information by allowing for superpositions between on and off states.
ANSWER: qubits [or quantum bits; reject “bits”]
[10h] This quantum gate is represented by a 2x2 matrix with first row “one zero” and second row “zero negative one.” This gate, which is named for both a scientist and a coordinate axis, leaves the basis state 0 unchanged, but flips the phase of the basis state 1.
ANSWER: Pauli Z gate [prompt on Pauli gate or Clifford gate or Z gate]

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