
While gathering water from the well Byrgir using the pole Simul and the pail Saeg, the brother and sister Hjúki (H'YOO-kee) and Bil were abducted by this figure, and now follow him. For 10 points each:
[10m] At the beginning of Ragnarök, the varg Hati will catch and swallow what son of Mundilfari, the brother of Sól?
ANSWER: Máni [prompt on, but DO NOT OTHERWISE MENTION, “the moon” or equivalents]
[10e] Máni is the Norse personification of this object. A Germanic myth holds that a woodcutter who was punished for gathering sticks on the Sabbath became the pareidolic (PAIR-ih-DOH-lik) “man in” this object.
ANSWER: the Moon [accept Luna; accept the Man in the Moon]
[10h] Sophus Bugge’s etymological study of these texts insisted that the otherwise unattested Sinthgunt, a goddess paired with “Sunna,” was a Germanic moon goddess. In these texts, Phol’s horse sprains its foot and is healed by Wodan.
ANSWER: the Merseburg Incantations [or Merseburg Charms; accept answers that also specify the second of them]

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