The Vulture's Guide to Buzz

Michael Du, Mattias Ehatamm, Liam Kusalik, Ishan Joshi

Arts - Music33.3333%0%0%
Arts - Other Arts68.3367%17%0%
Arts - Painting611.6783%33%0%
History - American History412.50100%0%25%
History - European415.00100%50%0%
History - Other History410.0075%25%0%
History - World130.00100%100%100%
History - World History610.0067%33%0%
Literature - American Lit510.00100%0%0%
Literature - British Lit415.00100%50%0%
Literature - European Lit110.00100%0%0%
Literature - World Lit613.33100%33%0%
Other - Geo/CE615.00100%33%17%
Other Academic510.00100%0%0%
Pop Culture45.0050%0%0%
Science - Biology412.50100%25%0%
Science - Chemistry615.00100%50%0%
Science - Engineering110.000%100%0%
Science - Other Science618.33100%50%33%
Science - Physics215.00100%50%0%
Thought - Philosophy412.50100%25%0%
Thought - Social Science415.00100%25%25%