
A major goal of rewilding efforts is to restore anthropogenically-disrupted examples of these interactions. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these interactions in an ecosystem. In a “top-down” example of these interactions, an influx of sea otters, the apex predator, controls the population of sea urchins, the primary consumer, which allows the primary producer, kelp forests, to thrive.
ANSWER: trophic cascades [prompt on cascades]
[10e] In this effect, the trophic structure of food webs leads toxins in an ecosystem to become more highly concentrated in higher-level predators.
ANSWER: biomagnification [or biological magnification; accept bioaccumulation; prompt on magnification or accumulation]
[10h] This French-born marine biologist’s 1998 paper “Fishing Down Marine Food Webs” argued that selective overfishing of predators is decreasing the mean trophic level, potentially leading to worldwide fishery collapse, though modern data has cast doubt on this claim.
ANSWER: Daniel Pauly

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