
This novel parodies icons like Mae West and George Bernard Shaw by supplying their responses, Clickhole-style, to a survey about the immortal soul. In this novel, Francis Drake and the Marquis de Sade discuss the threat of a superior “Baltic” race theorized by Dr. Hans Thuring. This novel depicts Oswald Spengler as the ridiculous author Wolf Meynert. The papers of Mr. (*) Povondra make up much of the second section of this novel, a supplemental chapter of which analyzes the sex life of the title characters. The title characters of this novel, who conspire to flood most of the Earth in pursuit of lebensraum, first contact humans after their discovery by Captain (10[2])van Toch. For 10 points, name this Karel Čapek novel depicting the conquest of the world by salamanders. ■END■

ANSWER: The War with the Newts [or Salamander Wars before “salamanders” is read; or Valka s Mloky]
= Average correct buzz position

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