
Unlike most organisms, animals in this region tend to contain blue pigmentation. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name or describe this general region inhabited by organisms called neuston, such as the Glaucus genus of nudibranchs (NOO-dih-branks).
ANSWER: ocean surface [accept sea surface microlayer; accept descriptions indicating a body of water and its surface or its boundary with the atmosphere; prompt on ocean or sea; prompt on photic zone or epipelagic zone]
[10e] A namesake neustonic algae allows this sea of the Atlantic Ocean to serve as a concentrated biodiversity hotspot. Research suggests sea turtles may spend their “lost years” in this sea.
ANSWER: Sargasso Sea
[10m] The gyres that produce this ecosystem leave it, like the Sargasso Sea, as one of the few ecosystems observed to contain a high density of neuston. A 2018 Nature study estimated this ecosystem to stretch over 1.6 million square kilometers and contain 79 thousand tons of plastic.
ANSWER: Great Pacific Garbage Patch [or North Pacific Garbage Patch; accept GPGP; prompt on Pacific garbage patch; prompt on the plastisphere]

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