The Perfection of Wisdom in 8,000 Negs

Jonathan Shauf, The Perfection of Wisdom in 8,000 Negs, Vincent Du, Eric Gunter, Kevin Jiang

Arts - Music721.43100%100%14%
Arts - Other Arts518.00100%40%40%
Arts - Painting25.0050%0%0%
History - American History36.6767%0%0%
History - European410.00100%0%0%
History - Other History58.0080%0%0%
History - World120.00100%100%0%
History - World History512.00100%20%0%
Literature - American Lit415.00100%25%25%
Literature - British Lit510.0080%20%0%
Literature - European Lit611.67100%17%0%
Literature - World Lit215.00100%50%0%
Other - Geo/CE417.5075%50%50%
Other Academic323.33100%100%33%
Pop Culture512.0080%20%20%
Science - Biology56.0060%0%0%
Science - Chemistry225.00100%100%50%
Science - Engineering110.000%100%0%
Science - Other Science514.00100%40%0%
Science - Physics313.33100%0%33%
Thought - Philosophy520.00100%100%0%
Thought - Social Science410.0075%25%0%