
One translation of this author alludes to Elton John by referring to lives snuffed out like “a candle in the wind” and is by Mary Jo Bang. (15[1])This author wrote two sections themed on a Boethius-inspired praise for Lady Philosophy in an unfinished work titled “The Banquet.” This author invented a verse form of stanzas with 11-syllable lines in which the first and third lines rhyme, and the second line rhymes with the first and last lines of the next stanza. (*) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow translated a poem by this author that opens with the narrator finding himself (10[1])in “a forest dark.” That poem by this author opens “Midway through (10[1])life’s journey,” after which the narrator encounters a lion, a leopard, and a she-wolf. For 10 points, name this poet credited with inventing terza rima to write The Divine Comedy. ■END■

ANSWER: Dante Alighieri [or Dante Alighieri]
<JF, European Literature>
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