
One translation of this author alludes to Elton John by referring to lives snuffed out like “a candle in the wind” and is by Mary Jo Bang. This author wrote two sections themed on a Boethius-inspired praise for Lady Philosophy in an unfinished work titled (15[1])“The Banquet.” This author invented a verse form of stanzas with 11-syllable lines in which the first and third lines rhyme, and the second line rhymes with the first and last lines of the next stanza. (*) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow translated a poem by this author that opens with the narrator finding himself in “a forest dark.” That poem by this author opens “Midway through life’s journey,” after which the narrator encounters a lion, a leopard, and a she-wolf. For 10 points, name this poet credited with inventing terza rima to write The Divine Comedy. ■END■

ANSWER: Dante Alighieri [or Dante Alighieri]
<JF, European Literature>
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