
At the advice of the physician Nebros, forces under Cleisthenes of Sicyon used hellbore to poison the water supply of a besieged city during this conflict in one of the earliest known instances of chemical warfare. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this conflict which saw the Delphic Amphictyony devastate the lands of Kirrha as punishment for the mistreatment of pilgrims. The Pythian Games were established in the wake of this conflict.
ANSWER: First Sacred War [prompt on Sacred Wars]
[10e] Nebros is said to have been the ancestor of this man, whose theorized guilt over Nebros’ actions at Kirrha has led some to suggest that it motivated him to establish his namesake oath which swears to “do no harm.”
ANSWER: Hippocrates of Kos [or Hippocrates II]
[10m] In Pausanias’ account, he attributes the poisoning of Kirrha’s water to this Athenian member of the Seven Sages. This man claimed that Tellus, a man who died for his country, was a happier man than Croesus of Lydia.
ANSWER: Solon of Athens

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