
Surfaces of this mineral are common substrates for immobilizing biomolecules in AFM and electron microscopy. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this class of minerals that includes phlogopite and biotite.
ANSWER: micas [prompt on phyllosilicates]
[10e] Micas are phyllosilicates, like this other class of minerals that includes kaolinites. These minerals form grains that are typically less than 2 microns in size, making them the finest sediments after sands and silts.
ANSWER: clay minerals
[10h] Micas are the final minerals to precipitate in the discontinuous branch of Bowen’s reaction series; immediately preceding them are these two classes of silicates respectively formed from single chains and double chains of silica tetrahedrons. Name either.
ANSWER: pyroxenes OR amphiboles [prompt on inosilicates]
<VD, Other Science: Earth Science>

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