
The Livingston chart depicts the development of these devices. A detector called a pickup and a corrective “kicker” are used in a feedback mechanism in these devices called stochastic cooling. The Bjorken-Mtingwa model describes a form of scattering in these devices that causes phase space volume to increase, increasing the emittance. In 1974, a simultaneous event at two of these devices 3000 miles apart was termed the (*) “November Revolution.” (10[1])Ernest Lawrence invented a resonant type of these devices with two D-shaped chambers, which uses magnetic fields oscillating with frequency “qB (10[1])over m.” Synchrotron radiation may be produced by examples of these devices that bend trajectories into circular shapes. For 10 points, SLAC and the Large Hadron Collider are what devices (10[1])that propel charged beams of particles? ■END■

ANSWER: particle accelerators [accept linear accelerators; anti-prompt on cyclotrons or synchrotrons or storage rings until read]
<VD, Physics>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Parker KnudsonTexas BTAMU6810
Jaik Havlicktag magnet: taylor's versionTexas A8910
Vince IngersollTexas CHCC11910


2023 ARCADIA at DukeEmory, Duke, YaleY4100%0%0%106.75
2023 ARCADIA at EmoryEmory, Duke, YaleY475%0%75%113.33
2023 ARCADIA at ImperialImperialY5100%0%20%82.40
2023 ARCADIA at Ohio StateOhio State, TexasY367%0%33%111.50
2023 ARCADIA at TexasOhio State, TexasY3100%0%0%92.00