
To resolve murders among this ethnic group, the victim’s family hires a man to attach beef or lamb to the end of his spear and either kill the murderer or feed them the meat off the spear. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this African ethnic group that worships the god Roog and communicates with spirits called pangool. This ethnic group carries out the Xooy (“khoy”) ceremony.
ANSWER: Serer [or Serer-Sine; accept Sérère or Sereer or Serere or Sarer or Kegueme or Seereer]
[10m] Serer (“suh-RARE”) people may wear their ancestors’ hair as an amulet or a good luck charm in this broadly West African religious tradition in which objects are imbued with positive or negative spirits.
ANSWER: juju
[10e] Serer people with the surname Joof are protected by one of these beings in the form of an antelope. An Ojibwe word for protective spirits coined the name for these beings, who are represented in hierarchical form on sculptures in the Pacific Northwest.
ANSWER: totems [accept taana; accept totem poles]
<GE, Beliefs>

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