
One isoform of this enzyme requires lysyl-tRNA-3 to bind to a PBS before it can bind its substrate. Drugs that competitively inhibit this enzyme are normally given in pairs like tenofovir alafen·amide-emtrici·tabine. In certain “foamy” organisms, this enzyme is uniquely synthesized from a separate mRNA strand rather than a Gag precursor. The forced copy choice and the dynamic choice models describe a process that compensates for this enzyme’s high error rate and is called (*) template switching. An RNAse H domain is present on this enzyme that, along with a protease and integrase, is transcribed from the Pol gene. (-5[1])Gene (10[1])expression is frequently measured using a form of PCR that relies on (-5[1])this enzyme’s (-5[1])ability to generate cDNA. For 10 points, name this central dogma-violating enzyme that allows retroviruses like HIV to produce (10[1])DNA from an RNA template. (10[2])■END■

ANSWER: reverse transcriptase [or RT]
<HK, Biology>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech DGeorgia A97-5
Tarun KotiEmory ATennessee A9810
Logan HaynesGeorgia BGeorgia Tech B110-5
Rohan DalalGeorgia Tech CGeorgia Tech A112-5
Tianyu XuGeorgia Tech BGeorgia B13110
Jon GolanGeorgia AGeorgia Tech D13710
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech AGeorgia Tech C13710


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