
One of this author’s characters tells his aunt “Waldo is one of those people who would be enormously improved by death” while proposing a holiday for people to demonstrate their hate for others. “The Feast of Nemesis” is by this author, who wrote a story in which two characters try to blink blood out of their eyes and fight over a “narrow strip of precipitous woodland.” In that story by this author, two men trapped under (10[1])a tree (10[4])reconcile the feud between (10[1])the Znaeym (“z’NAY-um”) and von Gradwitz families before they are implied to be eaten by wolves. In another story by this author, “romance at short notice” is the “specialty” of a girl who tricks Framton Nuttel into thinking he sees ghosts of three hunters (-5[1])and a dog. For 10 points, “The Interlopers” is by what British author of “The Open Window”? ■END■ (0[1])

ANSWER: Saki [or Hector Hugh Munro]
<British Literature>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
William OrrYale APrinceton B7510
Andre WongColumbia BPrinceton A7710
Forrest WeintraubColumbia AVassar7710
Nathan ZhangCornell CRutgers B7710
Eshan PantNYU ANYU B7710
Alex MoonPenn APenn B8110
Ethan FurmanHaverfordYale C124-5
Cyrus HodgsonBard ARowan A1420


2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y875%0%13%77.33