
In a vote on this doctrine, the only two people to vote against it were Aloisio Riccio and Arkansas official Edward Fitzgerald. After publishing an inquiry about this doctrine, Hans Kung was removed from a teaching position. Critics of this doctrine cite the fact that Honorius championed Monothelitism. John 21:15 to 17 (“chapter 21 verses 15 to 17”) was used to support this doctrine due to the command (-5[1])to “tend my sheep.” (-5[1])When this principle is invoked, the accompanying statement is usually ended with an anathema. (10[1])This doctrine was first officially invoked during the promulgation of Munificentissimus Deus (“day-oos”), which asserted the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. For 10 points, only (-5[1])ex cathedra statements invoke what Catholic doctrine, which states (10[1])that designated speech by the Pope cannot be wrong? ■END■ (10[3]0[3])

ANSWER: papal infallibility [prompt on infallibility; prompt on descriptions like the pope’s statements necessarily being true or inerrant or flawless]
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2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y863%0%38%111.40


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Iyanu NafiuYale CPenn B61-5
Nathan ZhangCornell CColumbia A65-5
Lexi TermanRutgers AColumbia B7910
Audrey ChoHaverfordPrinceton B103-5
Albert ZhangColumbia ACornell C11210
Danny HanPenn ARutgers B1220
John ShellyRowan ANYU B12210
Jupiter DingPrinceton BHaverford1220
Ben SterlingYale AVassar12210
Kaiden CareyPenn BYale C1220
Jacob Hardin-BernhardtNYU APrinceton A12210