
A philosopher who gave his name to an early phase of this movement proposed that physicists consider “molecular events musically,” which later authors linked to his rejection of atomism. A philosopher from this movement analogized scientific knowledge to a ship that is rebuilt while actively being sailed. Early in his career, (10[1])a leader of this movement published The Logical Structure of the World, which Quine later responded to in (-5[1])“Two Dogmas of Empiricism.” Ernst Mach’s statement that “where neither confirmation nor refutation is possible, science is not concerned” anticipated this movement’s rejection of metaphysics (10[1])as part of its verificationist program. For 10 points, (10[1])Moritz Schlick and Rudolf Carnap (10[1])were central members of what group of Austrian logical positivists? ■END■ (10[2]0[2])

ANSWER: Vienna Circle [or Wiener Kreis; accept logical positivism or logical empiricism until read; accept neopositivism; accept Ernst Mach Society or Verein Ernst Mach until read] (The ship metaphor was proposed by Otto Neurath.)
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Nathan ZhangCornell CColumbia A5010
Ethan FurmanHaverfordPrinceton B68-5
Jake GrodnerPrinceton ANYU A9310
Ben SterlingYale AVassar10210
Aum MundheRutgers AColumbia B10710
Alex MoonPenn ARutgers B11810
Ashish KumbhardareRowan ANYU B1180
Noah DornPrinceton BHaverford11810
Vincent ZhangPenn BYale C1180


2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y875%0%13%98.00