
A disease named for this organism causes immune hydrops fetalis and can be prevented by using a Kleihauer–Betke test to properly dose shots of RhoGAM (“ro-gam”). This organism is the only natural host of the herpes B virus. (-5[1])The most common hemolytic disease of the fetus is alternatively named for this organism and occurs when IgG molecules cross the placenta. (10[1])Anti-D antibodies target a protein named for this animal that was first (10[1])discovered when Karl Landsteiner injected rabbits with their serum. Nearly all in vivo (10[1])studies of AIDS pathogenesis (10[1])use one of these animals infected with SIV as a non-human primate (-5[1])model. An antigen named for (10[1])this animal is denoted by a positive or negative sign after a person’s ABO type. For 10 points, (10[1])what animal lends its name to the Rh factor used in blood typing? ■END■ (10[3])

ANSWER: rhesus monkey [or rhesus macaque; accept Macaca mulatta; accept rhesus factor; accept rhesus isoimmunization or rhesus disease; prompt on Rh or Rh factor or Rh disease or Rh incompatibility by asking “what organism is that named for?”; prompt on monkey or primate or simian; reject “ape”]
= Average correct buzz position

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2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y9100%0%22%103.56


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Vishal KanigicherlaPenn AColumbia A36-5
Andrew MinagarYale BColumbia B5810
Nat KuNYU ARutgers A7010
Mark TawfikRutgers BPenn B8310
Ben SterlingYale ACornell C8710
Peter NelsonYale CPrinceton B99-5
Arjun BothraHaverfordVassar10410
Ashish KumbhardareRowan APrinceton A12210
Albert ZhangColumbia APenn A13610
Rico-ian BantingNYU BBard A13610
Jupiter DingPrinceton BYale C13610