A disease named for this organism causes immune hydrops fetalis and can be prevented by using a Kleihauer–Betke test to properly dose shots of RhoGAM (“ro-gam”). This organism is the only natural host of the herpes B virus. The most common hemolytic disease of the fetus is alternatively named for this organism and occurs when IgG molecules cross the placenta. Anti-D antibodies target a protein named for this animal that was first discovered when Karl Landsteiner injected rabbits with their serum. Nearly all in vivo studies of AIDS pathogenesis use one of these animals infected with SIV as a non-human primate model. An antigen named for this animal is denoted by a positive or negative sign after a person’s ABO type. For 10 points, what animal lends its name to the Rh factor used in blood typing? ■END■
ANSWER: rhesus monkey [or rhesus macaque; accept Macaca mulatta; accept rhesus factor; accept rhesus isoimmunization or rhesus disease; prompt on Rh or Rh factor or Rh disease or Rh incompatibility by asking “what organism is that named for?”; prompt on monkey or primate or simian; reject “ape”]
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