
A novel titled for this character is revered by Gabriel Betteredge in Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone. A friend of this character worships a god named Benamuckee and is killed in a novel titled for this character’s “farther adventures.” This character finds a footprint that he thinks belongs to the Devil in a novel in which a Portuguese captain helps him obtain a plantation in Brazil after (10[1])selling the slave Xury (10[1])(“ZUH-ree”). Alexander Selkirk is thought to be the inspiration (10[1])for this character, who converts (10[1])a cannibal to Christianity and names him Friday. For 10 (-5[1])points, name this title character who is shipwrecked (10[1])on an island in a Daniel Defoe novel. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Robinson Crusoe [or Robinson Crusoe; accept The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe]
<Literature - British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andrea Ladino (UG)NYU BNYU C6510
Lucas Shedlock (DII)PrincetonPenn6910
Daniel Shannon (DII)University of Delaware ANYU A7710
Frank Paz (DII)Swarthmore AColumbia A8210
Wade Rogers (DII)FordhamSwarthmore B92-5
Will Hollister (DII)LehighUniversity of Delaware B10010
Ben Rotko (UG)Swarthmore BFordham10910


2023 ACF Fall (Rutgers)10/14/2023Y6100%0%17%83.67