
In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, this man’s wife is taken to heaven by Iris and transformed into the god Hora. This man established a 300-person bodyguard called the Celeres (10[1])(“KEH-luh-raze”). This man was succeeded in one position by Numa Pompilius, and after disappearing into a whirlwind he became the god Quirinus. (10[1])After (10[1])a conflict in which his wife Hersilia intervened, this man agreed to co-rule with Titus Tatius. This man won an augury contest by seeing twelve vultures. This man killed a rival after that rival lept over his walls. (10[1])This elder son of Rhea Silvia was nursed by a she-wolf. For 10 points, name this twin (10[1])brother of Remus and founder of Rome. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Romulus [accept Quirinus before read]
<Mythology - Mythology>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Saif Virani (UG)FordhamSwarthmore B2610
Frank Paz (DII)Swarthmore AColumbia A4710
Zaid Asif (DII)NYU AUniversity of Delaware A4810
Vincent Zhang (DII)PennPrinceton8610
Rio Lucenet (UG)NYU CNYU B10310
Will Hollister (DII)LehighUniversity of Delaware B11110


2023 ACF Fall (Rutgers)10/14/2023Y6100%0%0%70.17