
A form of this phenomenon studied by Aldert van der Ziel that occurs in the abelian sandpile model is sometimes named for the fact that it obeys an inverse power law with an exponent between 1 and 2. (-5[1])So-called “dark current” occurs due to a type of this phenomenon discovered via experiments in vacuum tubes. (-5[1])A form of this phenomenon is modelled as a Poisson process and occurs due to electric (10[1])charge (10[1])quantization. (10[3]-5[1])Thermal agitation (10[2]-5[1])produces a form of this phenomenon named (10[1])for Johnson and Nyquist. (10[11])A form (10[3])of this (10[1])phenomenon (10[3])has a constant (10[2])power spectral density across all frequencies and is (10[1])called its “white” form. (10[5]-5[1])For 10 points, (10[3])name (10[1])this random fluctuation (10[1])of a signal, (10[2])which in audio devices (10[2])is responsible (10[1])for the (10[1])sound of static. ■END■ (10[4]0[4])

ANSWER: noise [accept shot noise, white noise, pink noise, one-over-f noise, Poisson noise, or Johnson–Nyquist noise]
<Berkeley A, Physics>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y6100%0%0%97.17
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y683%0%0%102.40
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%86.00
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%89.00
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y9100%0%22%102.44
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y3100%0%33%110.33


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Cade ReinbergerRIT ACornell D37-5
Maximilian NieburJohns Hopkins AMaryland A54-5
Richard NiuCornell BNYU A7010
Adam FineChicago AChicago D7110
Alex AkridgeIndiana AWashU B7210
Andrew WangIllinois AChicago C7210
JD KrothIowa StateCarleton72-5
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay CollegeColumbia C7210
Leo LawFlorida AValencia A7410
Charles HangWashU AIndiana B7410
Luke RobitailleMIT AUMass Boston74-5
Mason YuBrown ATufts A8110
Yashwanth BajjiMichigan ACarnegie Mellon A8510
Mitchell IndekMichigan BMichigan State8510
Calvin BostlemanOhio State ACase Western A8510
Will HuangWisconsin AWisconsin B8510
Joy AnHarvard ABrandeis B8510
Sharath NarayanNorthwestern AStanford B8510
Catherine WelchUW AUBC8510
Karan GurazadaTexas ATAMU8510
Rohan DalalGeorgia Tech CLouisville A8510
Danny HanPenn ARutgers A8510
Alec RisoCornell CBinghamton A8510
Shardul ParthasarathyIllinois BChicago B8710
Stan MelkumianPurdueIowa8710
Yaj JhajhriaUW BAlberta8710
Jack LewisBruin AAlabama A8910
Rasheeq AzadUNC BWilliam & Mary9010
Braden BoothMissouriIllinois C9010
Kaiben BennettHaverford BGeorge Washington A9010
Aditya PatnaikOhio State BMichigan D9310
Bryan UgazASUTexas B9310
Aidan JonesLiberty ADuke10110
Bill ZhaoFlorida BUCF C10510
Jonathan BostLiberty BSouth Carolina10510
Henry BonWinona StateMinnesota B10510
Matthew SumanenGeorgia Tech BVanderbilt A10510
Noah ChenColumbia BYale A10510
Taaj RaiGeorge Washington BNYU B105-5
Eric ChangVirginia Tech AUNC C10810
Joseph ChambersVirginia AUNC D10810
Ben KoberleinNotre Dame BNotre Dame C10810
Tianyu XuGeorgia Tech ATennessee A10910
Dennis YangMichigan CCarnegie Mellon B11210
Juan LandaetaFlorida State AUCF B11510
Nikhil NairBUBrandeis A11510
Gus VanskikeMaryland BVassar A11910
Gregory StoneESF ARIT B11910
Jerry ZhangHarvard BDartmouth A12110
Ian SwitzerKenyonCase Western B12310
Catherine MajorWake ForestLiberty C1270
Aaron MarchandCarletonIowa State1270
Cole HartungGeorgetown ANorthwestern B1270
Stephen WalshNorthwestern BGeorgetown A1270
Leonard CastinePenn BHaverford A12710
Zaid AsifNYU BGeorge Washington B12710
Isaac MammelMaryland AJohns Hopkins A12710
Pranaav SenthilkumarCornell DRIT A12710