
A woman of this nationality promoted female education in The Learned Maid and joined a reform (10[1])movement led by the Frenchman Jean de Labadie (“la-ba-DEE”). A thinker of this nationality claimed that there would be natural laws “even if God did not exist” and escaped from a castle in a chest of books. (10[1])Jonathan (-5[1])Israel traced the (10[1])“radical (10[1])Enlightenment” to a thinker of this nationality (-5[1])who wrote (10[1])a “book forged in Hell” (10[2])that claims that the Bible (-5[1])should be (10[1])viewed as a fallible historical text. A jurist of this (10[1])nationality who wrote Mare Liberum (10[4]-5[1])is often (10[1])called (10[1])the father (10[1])of international (10[3])law. (10[6])An (10[1])excommunicated thinker (10[1])of this nationality wrote a book (-5[1])“in Geometrical Order” (10[3])that equates God and nature. (10[3]-5[2])For 10 points, (10[3]-5[1])thinkers of what nationality (10[2])include Hugo Grotius (10[3]-5[2])and the author of Ethics, (10[1])Baruch (10[1])Spinoza? (10[5]-5[1])■END■ (10[9]0[7])

ANSWER: Dutch [accept Netherlandish; accept Netherlands or Dutch Republic or the United Provinces of the Netherlands] (The philosopher in the first sentence is Anna Maria van Schurman.)
<TM, Philosophy>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y6100%0%17%114.83
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y683%0%17%102.80
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%113.50
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y786%0%29%115.67
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y367%0%0%123.50


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Eve FleisigUC Berkeley AUCSD1510
Noah ChinVirginia Tech ALiberty C5110
Elliot CosnettOxford BWarwick A52-5
James ByrneBristolLSE5510
June YinWashU BIndiana B5610
Patrick TorreMaryland ACornell B63-5
Claire JonesChicago AWashU A6510
Henry BonWinona StateCarleton7010
Seraphina Charlotte FooCambridge ADurham7010
Arya KarthikOxford AImperial B75-5
Braden BoothMissouriIllinois B7710
Sharath NarayanNorthwestern AIowa8710
Todd MaslykMichigan ACase Western B92-5
Justin WytmarIllinois AChicago B9210
Michael KearneyHarvard ABrown A9210
Justin LeeImperial ASouthampton B9210
Aum MundheRutgers AJohn Jay College9210
Joseph ChambersVirginia ALiberty B9410
Ryan RosenbergNYU AYale A9510
Anuttam RamjiUC Berkeley BClaremont A9710
Biniam AlaroFlorida AUCF C9910
Yrwin BatanMIT ABU9910
Andrew ZengStanford BPurdue9910
Simon ZimmermanOhio State AKenyon10010
Kevin ZhengMichigan BOhio State B10010
Elie AounCase Western ACarnegie Mellon B10010
Ved MuthusamyNorthwestern BNotre Dame A10010
Cole HartungGeorgetown AGeorgetown B10010
Christian SherringtonSouthampton ACambridge D10010
Graham TroyUNC BDuke10110
Jaik HavlickASUTAMU10310
Pranav JothiGeorgia Tech DGeorgia Tech C109-5
Kaiser XiaoUCLAClaremont B11210
Ben LaFondCambridge BSheffield11210
Cade ReinbergerRIT ABinghamton A11210
Coby TranChicago CChicago D117-5
Conor ThompsonIowa StateWisconsin B11710
Arhith DharanendraGeorgia Tech AGeorgia Tech B11710
Sinecio MoralesJohns Hopkins AColumbia B117-5
Nicholas LaneGeorge Washington AGeorge Washington B11710
Stevie MillerCarnegie Mellon AMichigan D12010
Christopher JosephNotre Dame CNotre Dame B120-5
Benjamin WatsonOxford CWarwick B12010
Gus VanskikeMaryland BColumbia C12010
Sriram KoritalaIllinois CMissoui S&T12410
Karan GurazadaTexas ATexas B12410
Anna BarkerUCF BFlorida B127-5
Clete ReinbergerValencia AFlorida State A127-5
Khugan ChanUMass BostonBrandeis A12710
Arvin BoraghiCambridge CNYU C12710
Louis CameronCambridge EManchester12710
Andrew MessersmithBrandeis BDartmouth A13210
Josh SchmidtLiberty AWilliam & Mary13310
Nicholas NguyenFlorida BUCF B13410
Andrew HarmsMichigan StateMichigan C13410
Nick SmemoeUNC DSouth Carolina134-5
Declan CobbWisconsin AMinnesota B13410
Daniel JuHarvard BTufts A13410
Jonah HubertNotre Dame BNotre Dame C13410
Samuel StellaFlorida State AValencia A13510
Oliver ThompsonCase Western BMichigan A13510
Adam PascoeWake ForestUNC C1350
Robert FreemanSouth CarolinaUNC D13510
Vedang SinghalUNC CWake Forest1350
Carter HerronChicago DChicago C13510
Jeffrey XuGeorgia Tech CGeorgia Tech D1350
Parker McCoigTennessee AVanderbilt A13510
Eugenia TongImperial BOxford A13510
Antoni KluzowskiWarwick AOxford B1350
Nathan ZhangCornell BMaryland A13510
Olin BoseColumbia BJohns Hopkins A1350
Sam MacchiVassar APenn A13510
Gregory StoneESF ACornell C1350
Kevin PengCornell CESF A1350
Pranaav SenthilkumarCornell DRIT B13510