An attempt to end this period at the conciliabolo, or “secret meeting,” ended up creating a third faction by electing Alexander V. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this period in which two, then three, people simultaneously laid claim to the papacy. The 1409 Council of Pisa failed to end this period.
ANSWER: Western Schism [accept Schism of 1378; accept Papal Schism; accept Great Occidental Schism]
[10e] During the Western Schism, the three popes resided respectively in Rome, Pisa, and this city. Earlier, seven legitimate popes successively reigned from this French city.
ANSWER: Avignon (“ah-veen-YON”)
[10h] The Western Schism ended in 1417 with the Council of Constance and the election of this pope. This pope signed a bull that called for a crusade against the Wycliffites and Hussites.
ANSWER: Martin V [or Otto Colonna; prompt on Martin]
<Carnegie Mellon A, European History>