This author popularized the pejorative term “nutritionism” for the view in dietary science that a food’s nutrient composition is all that matters. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this journalist and popular science writer who consumed various psychedelics for his book How to Change Your Mind. This author hunted, gathered, and grew an entire meal for his book The Omnivore’s Dilemma.
ANSWER: Michael Pollan (“PAW-lun”) [or Michael Kevin Pollan]
[10h] Pollan’s books In Defense of Food and Food Rules both present a pithy seven-word summary of his dietary advice, which begins “Eat food. Not too much.” and ends with these two words.
ANSWER: “mostly plants” [accept “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”]
[10e] Jonathan Safran Foer critiqued Pollan’s view that veganism violates a type of culinary “fellowship” named for these objects. Chez Panisse (“shay pa-NEESE”) launched a locavore movement named for bringing food from “farm-to” these objects.
ANSWER: tables [accept kitchen tables or dinner tables]
<TM, Other Academic>