After performing this type of study, the Sum of Single Effects model, or SuSie, is used to generate probabilistic “credible sets” in a process called fine-mapping. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this type of study often performed using the PLINK package. Data from these studies are used to calculate polygenic risk scores.
ANSWER: GWAS (“G-woss”) [or genome-wide-association studies or GWA studies]
[10m] Fine-mapping can be used to determine causal variants from microarrays containing many of these things. Each dot on a Manhattan plot corresponds to one of these things, which are point mutations that occur in at least 1 percent of the population.
ANSWER: SNPs (“snips”) [or single nucleotide polymorphisms]
[10e] Tools like PLINK contain methods for pruning this phenomenon’s namesake “disequilibrium” to eliminate non-unique SNPs. In this phenomenon, two genes that are close together on a chromosome are inherited together.
ANSWER: genetic linkage
<Chicago A, Biology>