
Michael Devitt introduced the idea that these events are affected by subsequent interactions, which he called “multiple groundings.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Give this term for the moment of “dubbing” that sets off a “causal chain.” Saul Kripke used this term in Naming and Necessity for the event when a name is first assigned to something and becomes a rigid designator.
ANSWER: baptism [or initial baptism; accept baptismal ceremony; accept word forms like baptizing]
[10m] Kripke’s account opposed a prior theory that treats the meaning of a name as equivalent to the set of these phrases. The essay “On Denoting” distinguishes between “definite” and “indefinite” examples of these phrases.
ANSWER: descriptions [accept descriptivism or word forms like describing]
[10e] This Cambridge philosopher laid the groundwork for his descriptivist theory of names in “On Denoting.” He also co-wrote Principia Mathematica with Alfred North Whitehead.
ANSWER: Bertrand Russell
<Sheffield A, Philosophy>

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Great Lakes2025-02-01Y510.00100%0%0%
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y68.3367%0%17%
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y210.00100%0%0%
South Central2025-02-01Y225.00100%100%50%
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y815.0075%50%25%
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y313.33100%33%0%


Claremont AUCLA001010
Claremont BUC Berkeley A001010
UC Berkeley BUCSD10101030
Carnegie Mellon AOhio State A001010
Michigan DCarnegie Mellon B001010
Case Western ACase Western B001010
Michigan StateMichigan A001010
Ohio State BKenyon001010
DukeWilliam & Mary001010
UNC BLiberty A1001020
Liberty CUNC D0000
South CarolinaVirginia Tech A001010
UNC CLiberty B0000
Virginia AWake Forest001010
Chicago AChicago B10101030
Chicago DMissouri S&T001010
Illinois BIndiana B0101020
Illinois CWashU A001010
Illinois AIndiana A10101030
Chicago CMissouri001010
CarletonWisconsin A0000
Winona StateIowa State10101030
Minnesota BWisconsin B001010
Stanford BGeorgetown A0101020
Northwestern AGeorgetown B001010
IowaNotre Dame B001010
PurdueNorthwestern B001010
Notre Dame CNotre Dame A0000
UW AAlberta001010
UBCUW B001010
Texas ATAMU0101020
ASUTexas B10101030
Georgia Tech CAlabama A001010
Louisville AVanderbilt A0000
Tennessee AGeorgia Tech D001010
Georgia Tech BBruin A001010
Cambridge AOxford B10101030
Cambridge ECambridge C001010
Cambridge DCambridge B010010
Imperial ADurham001010
Imperial BLSE0000
Warwick AManchester001010
Oxford AWarwick B0101020
Oxford CSouthampton A0000
Southampton BNYU C0101020
Columbia BHaverford B0101020
Cornell BColumbia C10101030
NYU AJohn Jay College10101030
Johns Hopkins ARutgers A0101020
Penn BMaryland B0000
NYU BGeorge Washington A001010
George Washington BPenn A0000
Vassar AYale A001010
Cornell DESF A001010
RIT ACornell C0101020
RIT BBinghamton A001010