
One character claims that this play is set in a time when “the huge middle class… was matriculating in a school for the blind.” Early in this play, the Villon (“VEE-on”) line “Où sont les neiges” (“nezh”) appears over a set featuring a photo of a man who had abandoned his family at Mazatlan. A character in this play dressed as a merchant sailor claims that “I give you truth in the pleasant (15[2])disguise of illusion” and that he is “the opposite of a (*) stage magician” in its prologue. After a man claims “nowadays the world is lit by lightning!”, a woman nicknamed “Blue Roses” blows out a (10[1])candle at the end of this “memory play”. In this play, that shy woman is set up by her mother Amanda with Jim, a “gentleman caller” who breaks a model unicorn. For 10 points, Laura Wingfield obsesses over the title figurines of what Tennessee Williams play? ■END■

ANSWER: The Glass Menagerie
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Sharath NarayanPalestrina SawayamaBHSU7115
Danny VopavaWeird Klaus BarbieJeff Weiner Fan Club7115
Seth KendalldoubleplusnegfiveOur Job is Buzz10610


2023 UMN COOT08/19/2023Y3100%67%0%82.67