
Alfred Gell claimed this painting was subject to “art making in reverse” that rendered it a “beautiful corpse” in Art and Agency. Edward VII anonymously contributed £8,000 to this painting’s purchase, which was the first major purchase for what is now the Art Fund. This painting may share a model with the Coronation of the Virgin its artist made for the Alcazar. In 1906, the National Gallery bought this painting from its namesake Yorkshire (*) country house. As she disliked (10[1])the way “men gaped at [this painting] all day long,” Mary Richardson protested Emmeline Pankhurst’s arrest by attacking (10[1])this painting (10[1])with a meat cleaver. The face of this circa 1650 painting’s central figure is blurrily reflected in a mirror held by her son Cupid as she lies on a bed. For 10 points, name this painting of a reclining love goddess by Diego Velazquez. ■END■

ANSWER: Rokeby Venus [or The Toilet of Venus or Venus at her Mirror or Venus and Cupid or La Venus del espejo] [Gell argues that Mary Richardson’s vandalism of the painting rendered it a far more powerful artwork.]
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andrew HartBHSUWeird Klaus Barbie7810
Guy IndorantePalestrina Sawayamadoubleplusnegfive9610
Morgan BozemanOur Job is BuzzJeff Weiner Fan Club9810


2023 UMN COOT08/19/2023Y3100%0%0%90.67