
Phosphorylation of one component of this structure by S6K1 stimulates its function. Paromomycin reduces the energetic cost of near-cognate interactions and facilitates domain closure in this structure according to a model developed by Ramakrishnan. An I.R.E.S (15[1])can recruit this structure in a cap-independent manner. This structure sequentially binds and releases the GTPases EF-Tu and EF-G. In bacteria, this structure is recruited by the (*) Shine-Dalgarno sequence, while in eukaryotes this structure scans for a (10[1])Kozak sequence. Ratcheting of the 30S subunit relative to the 50S (10[1])drives forward translocation of this structure to the next codon. Aminoacyl-tRNAs bind to this structure’s A-site before moving to the P-site to extend the nascent peptide chain. For 10 points, name this macromolecular machine that translates mRNA into protein. ■END■

ANSWER: ribosome
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Sharath NarayanPalestrina SawayamaOur Job is Buzz3515
Ethan AshbrookJeff Weiner Fan ClubBHSU7210
Conor ThompsondoubleplusnegfiveWeird Klaus Barbie8310


2023 UMN COOT08/19/2023Y3100%33%0%63.33