
A collection of grievances issued during this event was deemed “very difficult and hard to make any certain answer unto” by their addressee on account of being “so general, dark and obscure”. Due to a flooding river washing away two sides’ camps during this event, the emissaries Ellerker and Bowes were granted safe passage. Participants in this event aimed to “expulse all villein blood and evil counsellors” in the Oath of the Honourable Men. During this event, the destruction of the “heresies of Luther and Wyclif (“wick-liff”)” was called for in the (*) Pontefract Articles. This event was preceded by a similar uprising led by Nicholas Melton, based in Lincolnshire, opposing the policies of (-5[1])Thomas Cromwell and the dissolution of the monasteries. For 10 points, name this 1536 popular revolt against (-5[1])Henry VIII, beginning in Yorkshire and led by Robert Aske. ■END■ (10[1]0[2])

ANSWER: Pilgrimage of Grace [prompt on the Yorkshire rising or equivalent before read]
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Danny VopavaWeird Klaus Barbiedoubleplusnegfive111-5
Shardul RaoOur Job is BuzzPalestrina Sawayama128-5
Sharath NarayanPalestrina SawayamaOur Job is Buzz1390
Conor ThompsondoubleplusnegfiveWeird Klaus Barbie1390
Andrew HartBHSUJeff Weiner Fan Club13910


2023 UMN COOT08/19/2023Y333%0%67%139.00