
Froehlich, Morchio, and Strocchi reinterpreted a phenomenon named for this scientist because that mechanism is usually described in a way inconsistent with Elitzur’s theorem that there is no spontaneous symmetry breaking of gauge theories. That mechanism named for this scientist (15[2])is the relativistic version of one proposed by (*) Anderson and in it a field named for this physicist acquires a vacuum expectation value in a mexican hat potential. (10[1])That field named for this person is the only fundamental spin 0 particle in the standard model. Interactions with a boson named for this physicist are responsible for the fundamental lepton masses. The LHC discovered in 2012, for 10 points, a boson named for what physicist, the final particle of the standard model to be confirmed? ■END■

ANSWER: Peter Higgs [accept Higgs field or Higgs mechanism or Higgs boson]
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Sharath NarayanPalestrina SawayamaOur Job is Buzz3915
Maxwell YeJeff Weiner Fan ClubBHSU3915
JD KrothdoubleplusnegfiveWeird Klaus Barbie6710


2023 UMN COOT08/19/2023Y3100%67%0%48.33