A poet who mostly used this language included poems like "The Blind Girl" among several collections called "Curl-Papers". A seven-pointed star represents an organisation for literature in this language which seeks to combat a type of shame called vergonha (“ver-GON-yah”). In a 12-song poem in this language, the title character dies from the heat while walking to her basketmaker fiancé Vincent. The 1904 Literature Nobel went to an author who used this language for the poem (*) Mirèio ("mih-RAY-oh"). The 36-line form called the sestina was created in this language by a poet Dante dubbed “il miglior (“mill-YOR”) fabbro,” or “the better smith.” Félibrige ("FAY-lee-breezh") was founded to repopularise this language by Frederic Mistral. For 10 points, name this main language used by Arnaut Daniel and other medieval troubadours in southern France. ■END■
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Naveed Chowdhury | BHSU | Jeff Weiner Fan Club | 42 | 15 |
Guy Indorante | Palestrina Sawayama | Our Job is Buzz | 88 | 10 |
Davis Everson-Rose | Weird Klaus Barbie | doubleplusnegfive | 125 | 10 |