
Cleanth Brooks asked whether the narrator of one poem titled for this place chooses idealism or materialism, concluding “both and neither.” A poem titled for this place describes “a mouth that has no moisture and no breath” and declares “I hail the superhuman.” Another poem titled for this place states “nor is there singing school but studying / monuments of its own magnificence” and describes how people “neglect / Monuments of unageing intellect.” A poem titled for this place mentions the (*) “artifice of eternity” when addressing “sages standing in God’s (10[2])holy fire”. The speaker’s heart is “fastened to a dying animal” in a poem titled (10[1])for this place, which describes an “aged man” as “but a paltry thing, / a tattered coat upon a stick.” (10[1])For 10 points, the line “That is no country for old men” begins a W. B. Yeats poem titled “Sailing to” what city? ■END■

ANSWER: Byzantium [accept Sailing to Byzantium; do not accept “Istanbul” or “Constantinople”]
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Chinmay KansaradoubleplusnegfiveOur Job is Buzz8910
Chinmay KansaradoubleplusnegfiveOur Job is Buzz8910
Andrew HartBHSUPalestrina Sawayama10410
Ethan AshbrookJeff Weiner Fan ClubWeird Klaus Barbie12410


2023 UMN COOT08/19/2023Y4100%0%0%101.50