
This approach’s name is prefixed by “inter-” to describe a system described by a formula equating “PE” to an “interdependence” function of several factors, which was developed by Jacob Kantor. In an attempt to put this approach on mathematical grounds, a formula equating “excitatory potential” to terms including “drive strength” was proposed by a man who theorised the “goal gradient.” Clark Hull often debated the founder of this school’s (*) “purposive” branch, namely Edward Tolman. Edward Thorndike’s “Law of Effect” inspired this (10[1])approach, a pioneer of which used classical conditioning to make a boy scared of furry objects in the (10[2])“Little Albert” experiment. For 10 points, what approach (10[1])that emphasized studying observable actions was pioneered by psychologists such as John Watson and B. F. Skinner? ■END■

ANSWER: behaviourism [or behaviorism; or behaviourist or behaviorist; or behavioral approach or behavioralism; accept interbehaviorism or purposive behaviorism]
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Sharath NarayanPalestrina SawayamaBHSU8010
Conor ThompsondoubleplusnegfiveOur Job is Buzz9810
Conor ThompsondoubleplusnegfiveOur Job is Buzz9810
Danny VopavaWeird Klaus BarbieJeff Weiner Fan Club10610


2023 UMN COOT08/19/2023Y4100%0%0%95.50