
An effect proposed by James Taranto argues that groups supporting this issue will become less popular over time. “Early Money Is Like Yeast” is an acronym for a PAC in favour of this issue, EMILY’s List. A case involving senator (15[1])Mike Rounds upheld (-5[1])a law requiring certain people to give misleading information about this issue. The case McCullen v. Coakley struck down a law preventing individuals opposing this issue from engaging in (*) “sidewalk counselling”. (10[1])A Kansas constitutional amendment referendum in August 2022 on this issue failed to pass by 18 percentage points. A majority opinion by Justice Samuel Alito on this issue was leaked by Politico one month before its case was settled, upon which thirteen states’ trigger laws on this issue became enforceable. For ten points, name this issue that was the subject of the landmark Dobbs decision, which repealed Roe v. Wade. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: abortion
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Davis Everson-RoseWeird Klaus Barbiedoubleplusnegfive3915
Andrew HartBHSUJeff Weiner Fan Club42-5
Shardul RaoOur Job is BuzzPalestrina Sawayama7310
Blake AndertJeff Weiner Fan ClubBHSU14410


2023 UMN COOT08/19/2023Y3100%33%33%85.33