
Note to moderator: Read answerline carefully. This type of data is processed with the algorithm Snowball, which is an improved version of an algorithm developed by Martin Porter. This type of data may be organized into synsets, (15[1])which can assist with the task of WSD that may be accomplished with the Lesk algorithm. This type of data is the focus of a tidyverse-based David Robinson and Julia Silge (“SILL-gee”) textbook which uses tf-idf (15[2])(“t f - i d f”) to analyze (15[1])this type of data. The Penn Treebank (15[1])includes this type of data annotated with (*) POS tags. (10[1])N-gram (10[2])models may be trained (-5[1])on this type of data (10[1])that has been processed by being stemmed or tokenized. (10[1])This (10[1])type of data may have its valence assessed in sentiment analysis carried (10[1])out on the decontextualized forms of its corpora. For (10[1])10 points, NLP is concerned with the “natural processing” (10[1])of what type (10[1])of data used to train LLMs and chatbots? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: text data [accept natural language processing data or language data; accept words; accept WordNet; accept writing or handwriting or written text; accept strings; accept documents; accept dictionary or dictionaries; accept thesauruses or thesauri; accept text corpus or text corpora until “corpora” is read; accept tokens until “tokenized” is read; accept stems until “stemmed” is read; accept lemmas; accept lemmatization; accept descriptions of written or transcribed speech or language; accept Text Mining with R; prompt on topics by asking “of what?”; prompt on speech or parts of speech by asking “in what format?”; reject “voice” or descriptions of recorded noises]
<CH, Other Science: Math>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Eve FleisigBerkeley ABerkeley C3615
Michał GerasimiukStanford ABerkeley B7115
David NIckelPurdue BChicago A7115
Nathan ZhangCornell MATLABRIT7315
Travis TuI will play anything with a buzzer in front of meSGV Capital8015
Sky LiToronto Ray of Sun in the SkyOttawa C8910
Ben DahlPurdue AChicago B9010
Doug SachsMissouri ASquidward Community College9010
David GayowskiOttawa BWaterloo94-5
Darryl WangSyracuse+RochesterCornell R9910
Zach JosephNotre Dame AIllinois B10810
Max BrodskyIllinois ANotre Dame B10910
Gavin WagnerWUSTL H2OSIUE12110
Ian ChowMcDouble West-CarletonOttawa A13010
Gideon KpurubuVanderbiltIndiana13910
Neal JoshiWUSTL XYZMissouri B14210
Michael DuWaterlooOttawa B15110