
Note to moderator: read answerline carefully. Visits to communities of these people inspired the mystical writings of the Young Man of Arévalo. Outlaws called monfíes rallied these people to revolt under the leadership (15[1])of Aben Humeya. Vicent Peris stoked fear of homosexuals and these people amongst Germanies (“german-ee-ahs”) during the Revolt of the Brotherhoods. These people were encouraged to migrate and granted privileges in the writings of the jurist al-Wansharisi. In 1609, (*) Juan de Ribera convinced Philip III to formally expel these people. (-5[4])The First Rebellion of Alpujarras was led by these people (10[1])after Cardinal Cisneros began burning Arabic texts (-5[1])in violation of the Treaty of Granada. For 10 points, the term “moriscos” refers (10[1])to some of what people who were forcibly converted to Christianity after the Reconquista took over Al-Andalus? (10[1])■END■ (10[2]0[1])

ANSWER: Spanish Muslims [accept mudéjares; accept moriscos until mention; prompt on Muslims or crypto-Muslims with “From what country?”; prompt on New Christians; prompt on Moors; reject “Jews” or “conversos”]
<GE, European History>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Raymond WangCornell RCornell MATLAB3215
Andrew ZengStanford ABerkeley A81-5
Micheal DuWaterlooOttawa B81-5
Cyrus ZhouWUSTL H2OSIUE81-5
Dede BinkhoelterMissouri BWUSTL XYZ81-5
Drew ScheinerMissouri ASquidward Community College9110
James WangOttawa AMcDouble West-Carleton98-5
Sky LiToronto Ray of Sun in the SkyOttawa C11210
Eve FleisigBerkeley AStanford A12910
Ian ChowMcDouble West-CarletonOttawa A1300
Logan MathisSIUEWUSTL H2O13010
Collin NadarajahWUSTL XYZMissouri B13010