
Madagascar’s famine has been exacerbated by events of this type known as tiomena which gain their characteristic red tint from iron-rich laterite. (-5[1])Outbreaks (-5[1])of meningococcal meningitis in its namesake “belt” correlate with increased instances of these events during the Harmattan. The Bodélé Depression of Lake Chad feeds many of these events (15[1]-5[1])whose (15[1]-5[1])simoom variety can overwhelm the sweating (-5[1])response causing sudden (*) heatstroke. Thunderstorms may accompany instances of these events (10[1])known as haboobs. (10[2])They (10[1])aren’t floods, (10[4])but these events form the majority of loess deposits. Pneumonia and silicosis may result from excessive (10[1])exposure to these events which, in Africa, provide enriching nutrients to the Amazon (10[1])Basin. For 10 points, the Sahara is plagued by what events characterized by loose particles (10[1])of (10[1])earth (10[1])blown by strong winds? (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: sandstorms [or dust storms; accept SDS; accept simooms or simoon prior to mention; accept haboob; accept answers indicating clouds of dust or sand or dirt or silt or clay or soil blown by strong winds; prompt on wind by asking “what is the wind carrying?”; prompt on storms]
<KT, Geography>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Danny CutbillRITCornell R21-5
Shahar SchwartzBerkeley ABerkeley B22-5
Ian ChowMcDouble West-CarletonWaterloo50-5
John MarvinChicago AIndiana5015
Stan MelkumianPurdue AIllinois B5115
Yash MandaviaIllinois BPurdue A51-5
Will AlstonSGV CapitalI will play anything with a buzzer in front of me57-5
Aedan CooperOttawa COttawa A6810
Ben KoberleinNotre Dame AVanderbilt7110
Sanjeev UppaluriSyracuse+RochesterCornell MATLAB7110
Braden BoothMissouri ASIUE7210
Micah ColmanWaterlooMcDouble West-Carleton7410
William HoustonChicago BNotre Dame B7410
Collin NadarajahWUSTL XYZSquidward Community College7410
Henry LytleWUSTL H2OMissouri B7410
Aditya SivakumarBerkeley CStanford A9010
Gowthamm MandalaPurdue BIllinois A10310
Jason ChengI will play anything with a buzzer in front of meSGV Capital11810
Rohan ShelkeBerkeley BBerkeley A11910
David GayowskyOttawa BToronto Ray of Sun in the Sky12010
Raymond WangCornell RRIT12510