
Ultracold neutrons were produced by transferring momentum from fast neutrons to these particles in a 2011 paper by Piegsa et al. Hydrodynamic transport of these particles can result in very high thermal conductivity due to wavelike heat transfer. These particles make up the linear portion of a dispersion relation that also includes maxons and rotons (15[1])in superfluid helium. (-5[1])Scattering between two of these particles can (-5[1])occur by a normal (15[1])or an (*) Umklapp (10[1])process. (10[4])Depending on whether neighboring atoms are in or out of phase, these (10[1])quasiparticles (10[1])are classified (10[3])as (10[2])“optical” (10[2])or “acoustic.” (10[9])In a crystal, these quasiparticles (10[1])can be derived by considering (10[1])each atom in its lattice site as a harmonic oscillator (10[1])and then (10[2])taking the normal modes. For 10 points, name these quasiparticles that are the quanta of (10[1])sound. (10[2]0[1])■END■ (10[2]0[5])

ANSWER: phonons (The clue in the second sentence describes second sound.)
<RA, Physics>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Richard NiuCornell RCornell MATLAB5415
Abby LobassoJames Madison BNorth Carolina A57-5
Yash MandaviaIllinois BNotre Dame B64-5
Andrew WangIllinois AChicago A6815
Kevin YeBerkeley CBerkeley B7110
Michał GerasimiukStanford ABerkeley A7210
Will AlstonSGV CapitalAuxiliary Lofthouse Cookie University7210
Rachel BenthamCambridge BEdinburgh7210
Stan MelkumianPurdue AVanderbilt7210
Agnijo BanerjeeCambridge AOxford8410
Michael KohnDurhamBirmingham8510
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech DGeorgia Tech C8710
Max NieburJohns HopkinsGeorge Washington A8710
Calvin BostlemanOhio State A Kenyon B 8710
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech AGeorgia Tech B8810
Dimitris KalafatisTAMUHCC8810
Sky LiTorontoMcDouble West-Carleton8910
Cade ReinbergerRITSyracuse+Rochester8910
Aditya SharmaDukeSouth Carolina A9110
Jaime Salamanco CamachoImperial BBristol9110
Ezra SantosChicago BPurdue B9110
Isaac MammelMaryland AMaryland B9110
Dennis YangMichigan B Ohio State B9110
YashMichigan AKenyon A9110
Daniel MaFarrellmagnetismArizona State9110
Ariel FaederMSU A and FriendBoston College9110
Chinmay MurthyTexas ATexas B9110
Doug SachsMissouri AMissouri B9610
Amith PunyalaWUSTL H2OWUSTL XYZ10110
Michael MaysImperial AWarwick11110
Ian TheysmeyerOttawa COttawa B11310
Ketan Pamurthytag magnet: taylor's versionTexas C11310
Ethan CohenGeorge Washington AGeorgetown12810
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordNorth Carolina BJames Madison A12910
Michael DurrantNotre Dame BIllinois B1290
Zach JosephNotre Dame AIndiana12910
Michael DuWaterlooOttawa A13010
Andrew OliphantNC StateSouth Carolina B1300
Elena HernandezSouth Carolina BNC State1300
Sara SimkinsGeorgia BEmory A1300
Tarun KotiEmory AGeorgia B1300
Jon GolanGeorgia ATennesse A13010
Wyatt RoderGeorgetownGeorge Washington B1300