
Victor Norris Hamilton wrote an article in Izvestia detailing his work for this organization, three years after the Martin and Mitchell defection from this organization. (15[1])This organization allegedly collaborated with Unit 8200 on Operation Olympic Games which built the computer worm Stuxnet. (-5[2])One (-5[1])director (-5[1])of this organization told Martin Hellman (-5[1])that presenting an algorithm was equivalent to “exporting nuclear weapons to a hostile foreign power.” A predecessor to this organization uncovered Soviet (*) espionage of the Manhattan project as part of its Venona Project. In a 2013 Guardian article, Glenn Greenwald revealed (10[1])a court order that required (10[1])Verizon to provide this organization with telephone metadata. A former contractor for this organization was granted asylum in Russia (10[1])after leaking tens of thousands of its documents. For 10 points, name this intelligence agency which employed (10[1])Edward Snowden. ■END■ (10[1]0[2])

ANSWER: National Security Agency
<GT, American History>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ian ChowMcDouble West-CarletonOttawa A2415
Swapnil GargBerkeley AStanford A41-5
Sky LiToronto Ray of Sun in the SkyOttawa C41-5
Nathan ZhangCornell MATLABCornell R42-5
Micheal DuWaterlooOttawa B43-5
Gabe ForrestSquidward Community CollegeMissouri A49-5
Gavin WagnerWUSTL H2OSIUE9010
Collin NadarajahWUSTL XYZMissouri B9510
Michał GerasimiukStanford ABerkeley A11410
Stuart Chandler-BaasOttawa BWaterloo13110
Ian TheysmeyerOttawa CToronto Ray of Sun in the Sky1340
Richard NiuCornell RCornell MATLAB1340
Owen ArnesonMissouri ASquidward Community College13410