
Ornette Coleman invited this thinker to speak at one of his concerts, where they were booed offstage. This thinker defined freeplay as the “disruptions of presence” after an “‘event’” in a lecture which argued that “the center is not the center.” This thinker called the minimal repeatability of experiences the “trace.” In a reading of the Phaedrus, this thinker discussed the composite meanings of (*) “pharmakon.” (10[2])John Searle (10[1])ridiculed this thinker’s understanding of intentionality in their response to J. L. Austin’s theory of the illocutionary act. Gayatri Spivak translated this thinker’s assertion that “there is nothing outside the text” in a two-part book (-5[1])that discusses logocentrism in relation to Saussure and Rousseau’s theories of language. For 10 points, name this philosopher who coined the term “différance” and defined deconstruction (10[1])in Of Grammatology. (10[1]0[2])■END■

ANSWER: Jacques Derrida
<CH, Philosophy>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jack ObermanSouth Carolina ANorth Carolina B6410
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech DGeorgia Tech A6410
Sean FarrellFarrellmagnetismGanon Evans Fan Club6610
Sara SimkinsGeorgia BGeorgia A101-5
Quentin MotGeorgia Tech BGeorgia Tech C12710
Danny TranTennessee AEmory A1310
Tarun KotiEmory ATennessee A1310
Aidan LeahyGeorgia AGeorgia B13110


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