
A girl created by this author faints after her boyfriend tells her that the religious experiences (15[1])she describes “have a very obvious psychological background” during a conversation intercut with him eating frog legs. The protagonist of a short story by this author claims people have to vomit up the logic contained in the apple from Eden while talking to the teacher Nicholson. (15[1])One of this author’s characters practices praying without ceasing (15[1])after (15[1])reading the book (15[1])(*) The Way of a Pilgrim. (10[1])While discussing reincarnation, the protagonist of a short story by this author predicts his death from his sister Booper pushing him (10[1])into a swimming pool. (10[2])After meeting Sybil Carpenter (10[1])on a (10[1])beach, (10[3])the protagonist of a short (10[1])story by this author returns to his hotel room and shoots himself. For 10 points, name this creator of the Glass family, the author of The Catcher in the Rye. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: J. D. Salinger [or Jerome David Salinger]
<CM, American Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Michael HundingIllinois AChicago A1515
Mattias EhatammWaterlooOttawa A6115
Nathan ZhangCornell MATLABCornell R7015
Andrew ZengStanford ABerkeley A7115
Raymond ChenTorontoMcDouble West-Carleton7415
Gabe ForrestSquidward Community CollegeSIUE7910
Ben DahlPurdue AVanderbilt10010
Rohan ShelkeBerkeley BBerkeley C10410
Braden BoothMissouri AMissouri B10410
Maya KvaratskheliaNotre Dame AIndiana10810
Yash MandaviaIllinois BNotre Dame B11110
Nermeen RahmanChicago BPurdue B11110
Cade ReinbergerRITSyracuse+Rochester11110
Will AlstonSGV CapitalAuxiliary Lofthouse Cookie University11610
Ishan JoshiOttawa BOttawa C14710