2023 ACF Nationals

Round 11: Chicago C vs. UC Berkeley A

UC Berkeley A


Eve Fleisig4040
Swapnil Garg6060
Shahar Schwartz2020
Ryan Sun2020
14 bonuses for 230 points (16.43 PPB)

Chicago C


Robert Condron3125
Henry Cafaro01-5
Dennis Reppen2210
Connor Blake000
5 bonuses for 70 points (14 PPB)

Eve FleisigSwapnil GargShahar SchwartzRyan SunBonusesTotalTURobert CondronHenry CafaroDennis ReppenConnor BlakeBonusesTotal
10 15410010301-5 51-5
10 10301010602-5
10 1170100803-5
10 152010101104-5 99-10
10 110010101405-10
10 149010101706-10
170710 78010010
10 142101002008-5 1405
10 1080101023095
10 152100025010-5 1110
2501110 96100020
10 12201002701220
10 10901002901320
2901410 1191010050
10 104010103201650
10 103010103501750
3501810 124010070
10 9601003701970
3702010 12010010100
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text