
Per Nørgård recalled how he snuck one of this composer’s scores into a stack of student compositions he was reviewing with György Ligeti. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this early 20th-century Danish composer who utilized slow-moving cluster textures, as well as an entire offstage orchestra, to depict heaven in his Music of the Spheres.
ANSWER: Rued Langgaard [or Rud Immanuel Langgaard]
[10e] Music of the Spheres includes a “glissando” version of this instrument, which used similar techniques to Henry Cowell’s The Banshee. Cowell’s piece inspired John Cage to develop the concept of “preparing” this instrument.
ANSWER: piano [or pianoforte; accept prepared piano]
[10m] This French composer used a slightly evolved version of tone-clusters in his conception of “organized sound” using “sound-masses,” which he employed in works like Hyperprism and Ameriques.
ANSWER: Edgard Varèse [or Edgar Varèse; Edgard Victor Achille Charles Varèse]
<Classical Music>

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