2023 ACF Nationals

Round 11: Cornell A vs. Duke A

Duke A


Jacob Egol115
Ashish Subramanian3220
Jerry Lin01-5
Simon Gorbaty01-5
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Cornell A


Nathan Zhang3030
Geoffrey Chen3030
Raymond Wang4040
Jonathan Tran4040
14 bonuses for 230 points (16.43 PPB)

Jacob EgolAshish SubramanianJerry LinSimon GorbatyBonusesTotalTUNathan ZhangGeoffrey ChenRaymond WangJonathan TranBonusesTotal
0110 851001030
0210 680101060
0310 11900070
0410 8501010100
-5 136-5510 1480100120
-5 54-10610 1520010140
10 8500007140
-5 104-580 143140
-5910 910100160
-5 108-101010 1530010180
10 6310001011180
101210 65101010220
101310 10201010250
101410 10301010280
0 1601015280
10 90101004016280
-5 58351710 1080010300
351810 8401010330
351910 96101010370
10 118101006520370
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text