2023 ACF Nationals

Round 11: Chicago A vs. WUSTL A

Chicago A


Matt Jackson3410
Ned Tagtmeier1010
Claire Jones4040
Adam Fine1010
9 bonuses for 200 points (22.22 PPB)



Matthew Lehmann5240
Charles Hang3125
Annabelle Yang1010
Paul Lee2020
11 bonuses for 170 points (15.45 PPB)

Matt JacksonNed TagtmeierClaire JonesAdam FineBonusesTotalTUMatthew LehmannCharles HangAnnabelle YangPaul LeeBonusesTotal
0110 711001030
0210 68010050
10 731010030350
30410 1400101080
-5 12425510 1500100100
10 153101010656-5 4695
10 13310100957-5 10490
-5 4890810 14310100120
10 91010101209120
10 1410101016010120
10 13010101020011-5 96115
2001210 9901010145
2001310 10001010175
10 971010023014175
10 140010025015175
-5 782451610 13701010205
2451710 1140100225
10 1091010027518225
-5 992701910 1381000245
2702010 1151000265
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text