BHSU at UC Berkeley

Round 10: UC Berkeley A vs. [Insert Lawyer Joke Here]

[Insert Lawyer Joke Here]


Joey Montoya0000
Stephen Liu33360
Jason Golfinos14245
11 bonuses for 220 points (20 PPB)

UC Berkeley A


Shahar Schwartz02020
Eve Fleisig12035
Swapnil Garg04040
Ryan Sun01010
10 bonuses for 170 points (17 PPB)

Joey MontoyaStephen LiuJason GolfinosBonusesTotalTUShahar SchwartzEve FleisigSwapnil GargRyan SunBonusesTotal
15 9001002510
-5 1092020
15 321010106530
65410 1211010030
-5 4760510 12610101070
-5 10455610 135001090
15 691010090790
90810 970100110
10 107100101209110
1201015 6501010145
10 91001014011145
10 781010017012145
1701310 8001010175
15 3710101021514175
2151510 640100195
10 890101024516195
-5 692401710 790010215
2401810 9510010245
-5 1042351910 12501010275
10 104010025520275
10 8610101029521275
10 1271010032522275
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text