BHSU at UC Berkeley

Round 7: UC Berkeley A vs. UC Berkeley B

UC Berkeley B


Kevin Ye01010
Anuttam Ramji02210
Vinu Harihar12035
Steven Yuan03030
9 bonuses for 140 points (15.56 PPB)

UC Berkeley A


Shahar Schwartz03220
Eve Fleisig04040
Swapnil Garg1030
Ryan Sun03030
11 bonuses for 150 points (13.64 PPB)

Kevin YeAnuttam RamjiVinu HariharSteven YuanBonusesTotalTUShahar SchwartzEve FleisigSwapnil GargRyan SunBonusesTotal
0 13701-5 76-5
0210 124001015
0 142030 14215
0410 84001035
-5 111-5510 120100055
-5610 671001085
-5 74-10710 1240010105
-10815 360100130
-10910 881000150
10 1201010103010-5 106145
10 1190004011145
10 10701006012145
10 136101009013-5 47140
901410 10010010170
901510 7910100200
10 1260101012016-5 43195
15 71001014517195
1451810 13701010225
10 1310101017519225
10 131010019520-5 83220
1952110 1220100240
10 991010022522240
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text