
A biography by Paul Kendall traces Guillaume de Rochefort’s accusation made against this man before the Estates General to the Italian monk Dominic Mancini’s secondhand account of the events leading to his coronation. This man’s power struggles with Richard Grey, Thomas Vaughan, and Earl Rivers are examined in Horace Walpole’s book of (*) Historic Doubts about his reign. The Fellowship of the White Boar evolved into the chief society dedicated to protecting this king’s reputation from the traditionally negative “Tudor myth.” This king’s namesake society funded the 2012 excavation (10[1])of the former Greyfriars (10[1])Priory in Leicester (LES-ter), which turned up his (10[1])skeleton. For 10 points, name this English king who was killed at Bosworth Field. ■END■

ANSWER: Richard III [prompt on Richard]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Kyle HuStanford BIt's Joever8710
Ethan StrombeckStanford A[Insert Lawyer Joke Here]9110
Anuttam RamjiBerkeley BBerkeley A9910


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